Update: Week of 19 Apr 2021

Hello! I hope y’all are having another fantastic week!

We are coming up on the final third of Camp NaNoWriMo this month. For those of you working on your own projects, whether writing, editing, or something else, I hope you are making progress. Every little bit gets you closer to your goal.

This has been another week that has been largely writing, with not much in the way of side projects. However, because of that, I have managed to complete the draft that I started the last have of NaNoWriMo proper during November. That puts me eight books through my planned twelve books for the series. I am certainly glad to get to this point. I have started book 9, and I know there are definitely things that I am looking forward to with this new book. While I do have some things planned, I do give myself plenty of leeway to make sure things can unfold in the best way for them. As such, I am also curious to see how certain elements will turn out.

I am thinking my plan for this upcoming week will be to continue working on book 9. I’d like to get as far into in as I can this month. I’m about 1,000 words in so far, so I have a good bit to go before I get to 50k for this draft. I am at about 12,000 for the month, though, so if I can get another 38,000 for the month, I will be able to reach my goal of 50,000 words for the month.

If anyone would like to connect on the NaNoWriMo site, you can find me as fantasy_writer42

Thanks for reading!

~ Theresa

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