Update: Week of 12 Apr 2021

Hello! I hope you are all having a fantastic week!

In a few days, we will be at the halfway point for the first Camp NaNoWriMo session of 2021! If you are participating, I hope you are making fantastic progress in your projects, whatever they may be.

Most of this past week has been put toward making progress with my current book, and trying not to get too far behind with regard to my Camp NaNo goal of 50,000 words for the month. At the moment, I’m at about 5,000 words, so I am a bit behind, but I have little doubt I will be able to catch up before the end of the month. Part of my reason for saying that is that I recently got to the climax of the current novel, and the words are definitely flowing nicer now than they were before. (I get the feeling that is largely because I have had the ending of this book in mind for quite some time now.) With a bit of luck, I should be able to close the gap between my current word count and my projected words per day over the course of this coming week. I might even be able to finish the current book and start the next, which will definitely be exciting.

In addition to the work I’ve been doing for Camp NaNo and my current novel, I have also started a new digital painting, following along with a tutorial I stumbled upon. I happen to be rather fond of Vincent Van Gogh, and Starry Night, so when I found a free video for how to paint your own version of that amazing painting, I figured I had to at least try it out. I’m about halfway through, and so far it looks pretty spiff, if I do say so myself. I will share it here when I finish it.

That is about all the update I have for this week. Thanks for reading!

~ Theresa

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