Dragons! Dragons!- A (Spoiler-free) Review

So, I kind of felt bad for Captain Marvel. I know it came out last Friday (8 March), but my thoughts were on a different movie. It was the first weekend my other half and I were both in town and well enough to go to the movies since How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World came out. Like all last week, I was thinking Dragons, dragons, dragons… oh, right I suppose Captain Marvel is coming out, too, but dragons! (Captain Marvel is likely on the list for this coming weekend, if I had to guess.)

For now: Dragons!

I know I’ve mentioned to y’all before that if you haven’t seen the first two movies, you should, and I stand by that. This third and final movie was easily as adorable as the first two, and it serves as a fitting conclusion to the trilogy. Hiccup and Toothless are fantastic together, as best friends often are. These characters, and others, seem to have grown into themselves between the second and third installments, while still acting completely in character. That allows for quite a few laughs, and several callbacks to the earlier movies. All in all, I can’t really think of any way the story could be improved to make it a better ending (I might have a couple things I would have liked to see done differently, but I can acknowledge that even if something goes against my personal preference, it can still be fantastic).

The extent of worldbuilding in the movies easily makes Berk somewhere that would be great to visit. I know the movies are based on books, though I haven’t had a chance to read the books yet, so I’m not sure how they compare.

This is certainly a movie I am looking forward to seeing again. 🙂 I know this is a bit of a short review, but I did say this is spoiler free (and it can be hard to say what counts as spoilers sometimes).

Have you seen it? What did you think of it? I would love to hear from you!

Note: Please mark spoilers if you are posting in the comments. If messaging me directly through email/Twitter/etc, no such caution is required. Thanks!

~ Theresa

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