Blue box with silvery background. Blog post. Update: Week of 13 Mar 2023. Theresa Seanchaí.

Update: Week of 13 Mar 2023

Hello! I hope y’all are doing well.

I have had a pretty good week. I’m making progress with writing, and I’ve also done a good bit of reading on top of that. I’m working on my preparations for Camp National Novel Writing Month (Camp NaNoWriMo or Camp NaNo). In addition to that, I’ve actually made some good progress with regard to my first crochet project. All things considered, I can’t complain.

Writing (And Camp NaNoWriMo)

I am currently drafting Book 11. There have been a few spots where the actual writing has slowed down as I work through some worldbuilding and character elements, but overall I am pleased with the progress I’ve been making. I have been able to make some big decisions about some of the specific world/magic-type stuff in the books, which should help this upcoming part go much smoother. That information should also help when go back to edit the series.

With regard to Camp NaNoWriMo, I will have to see how things go the rest of this month before I finalize my goals for the month. For right now, I’m still aiming for 50,000 words (that likely won’t change unless something comes up during April). I am also setting a tentative goal of “finish Book 11 and start Book 12.” If nothing else, that seems like a reasonable goal. I’m still hoping to get as much of Book 11 done during March as I can, but I’m also trying to keep things flexible.


Reading this week has mostly consisted of continuing Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn series. I read Alloy of Law (the fourth book in the series) and I’m currently reading Shadows of Self (the fifth book in the series). There are two more books after that that are part of the second arc (or era) of the series, and I’m thinking I should be able to read those fairly quickly. That will leave me with only a couple more books and novellas to finish off all of the Cosmere books that are currently out. In addition to the Sanderson I’ve been reading, I’m also slowly making my way through The Empty Chair, the final book of Diane Duane’s Rihannsu series (set after Star Trek: The Original Series and delving into the Romulan culture/world). I still have a bit to go for that, but I’m enjoying it so far.


This has been another light art week for me. I definitely want to get back into a bit of a routine with regard to practicing. I definitely want to do more with that, mostly so I can draw my characters and assorted other things to do with my books. So as far as that goes, I have the motivation. I just need to find more time. All things considered, the time this past week seemed to go toward a good bit of reading and learning to crochet. Figuring out some kind of schedule for all of my assorted projects and hobbies would definitely be useful, though that is still a work in progress.


With regard to crafts, I do have a couple projects I’ve been working on. I have a knit scarf that I’ve been working on on and off for a little while, and I made some progress with that this week. My new project is one that I mentioned in last week’s update. There was a free Doomslug crochet pattern available as part of Brandon Sanderson’s “Year of Sanderson” goodies (you can find it the pattern here, just look under March and click the button that says “March Free Download”). Last week I mentioned having to see if the attempt takes. I did have a few false starts, but I am pleased to report that things seem to be working well. I am definitely making progress, though I am close to a point where I will have to wait until I get safety eyes, which should only be a few days from now.

Overall, I think I still prefer knitting as far as “ease,” but there are definitely some spiffy things you can do with crochet. Not to mention, there are some spiffy things you can do if you can do both knit and crochet, so I’m pleased to finally be making progress toward that.

Next Week…

This upcoming week, I have a few things I would like to do. I’d like to draft a chapter or two of Book 11, and I’d like to finish reading Shadows of Self. Other than that, I’d like to continue crocheting my Doomslug. Those three things aside, I’d like to continue plotting Book 12, in preparation for Camp NaNo in a few weeks. Beyond that, I do have a few other projects I’d like to do, including some art practice, and I have several books I can pick after I finish reading Shadows of Self. I’ll have to see what kind of time I have outside of those tasks, but I’m hopeful I’ll have a productive time.

Also, Camp NaNoWriMo is coming up in April. Feel free to add me as a writing buddy on the NaNoWriMo website. My name on the site is Theresa Seanchai, and you can find my profile here.

That seems to be everything for this update. As always, thanks for reading!

~ Theresa

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