Blog Post: Update: Week of 15 Mar 2021; Author: Theresa Seanchaí; Site:

Update: Week of 15 Mar 2021


So, I ended up having a pretty spiffy week, even though a few things didn’t go as planned. Originally, the plan for the week included a lot of writing on the first draft of my current book. I did write some, but as it turns out, a good bit of the week ended up being split between two other projects.

The first of those projects involved some plotting of the final arc of the current series. I have known the basic arc for the series for a while, but this week I made some progress on figuring out the some of the specifics. There are certain elements that I have been trying to pin down, and I think I managed to do that for a few of them. In addition, I think I figured out a few things that need to be added to some of the previous books in the series in order to make sure that I can introduce things at the right time. I’m counting that as one of the benefits to my plan to at least do first drafts of each book in the series before I start publish. As it is, I’m working on book 8 out of a planned 12. That said, I am planning to finish the current book over the next couple weeks. That would be just in time for me to start working on book 9 for Camp NaNoWriMo coming up in April.

The second big project I had was working on a digital painting following along with a Bob Ross video and a tutorial for how to achieve the proper effects in a program called Krita. It took a bit longer than I expected, but I was also learning how to work with both my first drawing tablet and a software program I hadn’t used before. There are definitely a few things I plan to adjust for future projects, and I am looking into tutorials for types of drawing and painting that aren’t landscapes. Overall, I think the project was a success, though, and I really did have a blast doing it. I am thinking I will probably try another Bob Ross painting this week.

The book I have been reading this week is K. Vale Nagle’s Eyrie. I am currently about halfway through, but overall I am enjoying it. It does deal with some rather heavy topics, but I am rather enjoying the gryphons. I should be able to finish the book this week, and then I will decide how far I want to continue with the series.

I think that’s about everything I have for this update. Thanks for reading!

~ Theresa

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