Update: Week of 12 Jul 2021

Hello, everyone!

So far, Camp NaNo has been rather interesting… I’m definitely behind where I should be as far as my goal is concerned, but I know that I am also not too far behind to be able to catch up by end of the month. While I haven’t done much in the way of getting words down for the current novel, I did manage to write a short piece that pertains to another series I have in the works. I’ve also read a good bit, and I actually knitted a bit of a scarf I started a while back.

I am rather pleased with the words I’ve been getting down, even if they haven’t been as numerous as I would like. I am definitely finding some interesting developments with both the current novel and the series as a whole. It should all be really spiffy once I get everything put together. The additional story I started was actually really fun, too. At heart, I am definitely a panster (aka- “One who writes by the seat of their pants”). This story was the first thing I had really pantsed in a while, and that was nice. Complete pantsing is something that is more difficult within an established series, at least if I want to keep things moving in the write direction. For a story where I only have a basic premise (namely, a vague idea of setting and an inkling of what form magic takes, with absolutely no information about plot or characters), making things up as I go is rather freeing. I’m definitely looking forward to continuing that second story when the time is right.

As for reading, I am still working my way through Stephen King’s On Writing. I am definitely enjoying the read, especially the way he talks about how writing is essentially magic. It’s very much one of those “This guy gets it” moments, which is always nice to come across. As for additional reading, I have stepped away from Don Quixote and The Count of Monte Cristo for the time being. Instead, I took the opportunity this past week to finish a book I had started a little while back. I have been slowly making my way through Peter David’s Star Trek: New Frontier series, and this week, I finished book 7, The Quiet Place… and then I immediately picked up the next book, Dark Allies. I’m about halfway through that one currently. The series is a nice addition to the show, particularly since I’m now also working my way through Star Trek: The Next Generation. The books give a similar vibe to the show, while also providing the opportunity to get to know new characters.

Beyond that, I managed to satisfy my crafty side by making a good bit of progress on a scarf that I started earlier this year. It’s been slow going, particularly after deciding to knit eight items as gifts last year with patterns I had not tried before. The gifts turned out well, but I was unaware of just how long it would take to knit them… which I mostly mean to say that I have been taking this year to recover from the extended project of last year. Still, I’m excited for this scarf. It has a spiffy gradient pattern, and I was able to get to the second to last stripe. I’ve still got a ways to go with it, but it was nice to knit for a while this week. It’s definitely encouraging when I’m working on a project where I can see immediate progress. Crafts are good for that.

So, for this next week, I’m definitely planning to write more of my current novel, and I might even take another excursion into a different story. I’m planning to finish the current book I’m reading, though I’m not sure which book I will choose next (the simultaneously good and bad part of having a really long “To Be Read” list). Other than that, I will probably continue my current knit project, while I see what other crafts catch my attention.

For anyone who is currently participating in Camp NaNoWriMo, I hope your Camp projects are going well. If you would like to be writing buddies on the NaNoWriMo website, my username is Fantasy_Writer42, and you can find me here.

I think that’s all I have for this update. As always, thanks for reading!

~ Theresa

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