Blue box with silvery background. Blog post. Update: Week of 6 Feb 2023. Theresa Seanchaí.

Update: Week of 6 Feb 2023

Hello! I hope y’all are doing well.

For this past week, I’ve made a bit of progress on most of my current projects, so I can’t complain too much. I’ve gotten some writing and reading done. In addition to that, this month is February Album Writing Month (FAWM), which is off to a good start. And I did a bit of art as part of David Petersen’s “Discovering Dragons” community draw.

The first draft of Book 11 is coming along nicely. I’ve made a bit of progress with regard to the current part of the story, which actually did take a few unexpected turns. My outlines are flexible enough that these turns won’t cause problems overall, which is nice. I was pleasantly surprised with some of the developments. As it turns out, some of the stuff I’ve set up this past week should actually lead rather smoothly into what I have planned for the end of the book. I also did some more plotting for the end of this book, trying to refine things a bit for when I get to that part.

My reading for this week has involved reading more of Diane Duane’s The Empty Chair. It is the last book in her Rihannsu series (a group of Star Trek novels focused on Captain Kirk and Romulans). As such, I’m curious to see how everything plays out.

This past week, David Petersen hosted the second community draw of the year. The theme this year is “Discovering Dragons,” and the specific prompts for this week were “terror,” “cyclops,” and “horned.” Honestly, this theme gave me a bit of trouble (mostly due to having a few pseudo-conflicting ideas). I did come up with an idea, though, and I’m fairly pleased with how it is turning out. That said, I did not get much progress with the idea I decided on, but I am looking forward to finishing it soon. I am also looking forward to seeing the other projects people did for this theme. The reveal will be on his Twitch stream this evening (the Monday after the first Friday of the month).

As for this first week of FAWM, I do have one song written. That’s a bit fewer than I would like at this point. However, I am writing in-world songs for my books, as a worldbuilding exercise/cultural deep dive. With that in mind, I am curious to get more of a glimpse into this side of things. I am also expecting certain things to go a bit slower at times while I figure some things out. Last FAWM went rather well, so I’m hopeful this one will, too. I don’t know that my current song will make it’s way into my books. In any case, I consider it a good start to FAWM. I also have quite a few ideas for other songs, I just need to see what will shake loose this month.

For the upcoming week, I’ve got a few things I would like to do. First, I want to continue drafting Book 11. I think things should go well on that front. The other big thing is that I want to catch up on FAWM (the average rate for the month is one song every two days). I’m also planning to read more of The Empty Chair. Beyond those things, I have a few other books lined up for reading, and I’m hoping to do a bit more art.

Also, Camp NaNoWriMo is coming up in April. Feel free to add me as a writing buddy on the NaNoWriMo website. My name on the site is fantasy_writer42, and you can find my profile here.

I think that’s everything for this update! Thanks for reading!

~ Theresa

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