Blue box with silvery background. Blog post. Update: Week of 5 Dec 2022. Theresa Seanchaí.

Update: Week of 5 Dec 2022

Greetings! And welcome to December! I hope things are going well for y’all.

This past week has mostly been me decompressing from last month. I fully admit that doing both NaNoWriMo and Huevember at the same time last month was probably not the best plan, but overall I think it worked out rather well. I’m pleased with how things went for both the writing and the painting.

NaNoWriMo went well for me. I ended up with 61,022 words for the month, which I definitely can’t complain about. I did not finish Book 11, but I did make some fantastic progress. As far as I can tell, I’m about two-thirds of the way through the book, though I’m still not sure how accurate that guess will be. At the moment, the book is just shy of 79,000 words. I actually forgot that Book 10 ended up at 97,000 words (instead of the 73,000 that was stuck in my head). As such, I think my estimate of 75,000 words for Book 11 was too low from the start. That said, I’ve still got a bit to go. I’ve taken a bit of a break over the last few days, but I’m hoping to get back into it soon. I’d like to try to finish this draft in December, if I can (holiday stuff at the end of the month might delay things a bit).

I finished Huevember strong. The last three paintings (since last week’s update) went fairly well. Doing a good bit of prep work before the month began definitely helped. I think I learned a good bit over the course of the month, and I’m looking forward to seeing where things go from here. I still have plans to do a few group shots of several of the month’s characters, though I’m not sure when that will actually happen. Other than taking a bit of time to decompress, I have been trying to come up with a plan for how to get more comfortable with digital sketching and such. I also looked into some assorted tutorials for sketching. I also put together a compilation of my Huevember paintings. That compilation will be included on the page on this site when I get a chance to get that set up.

Reading has still been a bit light. I’ve made a bit more progress this week on Michael R Miller’s Unbound, book 2 of his Songs of Chaos series. I am still early in the book (the fact that it is almost 700 pages is contributing to that). I am curious to see where things go with it.

This upcoming week should be a bit more relaxed than the last few weeks. I plan to continue drafting Book 11. I think I should be able to make a good bit of progress with it. As for art, I have a few things in mind. I plan to start drafting posts for my Huevember paintings. I also want to try to practice a bit more with sketching, particularly people. One of the things I want to do is to be able to draw my characters. Other than that, I’m going to see how much of Unbound I can get through. I’m also planning to put together a review of NaNoWriMo 2022.

NaNoWriMo is now over (although there is Camp NaNoWriMo coming up in April). If you would like to add me as a writing buddy on the NaNoWriMo website, my name on the site is fantasy_writer42, and you can find my profile here.

I think that’s everything for this update! Thanks for reading!

~ Theresa

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